A message time capsule 🔮
told-you.so was a quick project to learn TailwindCSS and Next.js/Vercel serverless functions. Unfortunately, the serverless functions didn't make it into the final build because I couldn't figure out how to reuse existing DB connections. After about 4-5 test messages, AWS RDS would inform me that the remaining connections were reserved for administrative use, leaving me to realize the serverless instances were 1) not sharing connections, and 2) not ending the connection after the function finished executing. To work around this issue, I just spun up an API in Go and hosted it on my own server.
Password encryption is done client-side with AES-256. The cyphertext is sent and stored on the server, and the server never stores (or knows) the password. Message receivers should be sent the password over another channel, otherwise they will not be able to see the message.
For the ultimate "I told you so," use archive.org after getting redirected to the prediction. Archive.org will not be able to see the message, but the time it was submitted will remain part of history forever.
The code is available on GitHub (link under the tagline). Please submit a pull request if you think there's something missing.