A message time capsule 🔮
By using told-you.so (referred to as "the service"), you affirm you are at least 18 years of age. You may not use this service if you are under 18 years of age.
The email address provided must be owned by you or a recipient who consents to receive an email from us on your behalf. Emails are sent from i@told-you.so.
For each message, I store a unique message ID, submission time, IP address(es), the message itself, and analytical statistics. If the message is unencrypted, it is stored in plaintext in the DB. I highly recommend encrypting the data client-side by setting a password.
I will not sell data collected while using the service. However, I must collect it to cooperate fully with law enforcement, should the need arise. Law enforcement may send requests for data to q@queue.bot. Feel free to use my GPG key at https://queue.bot/#gpg
told-you.so does not store cookies.
Ads are served by Google AdSense, and they reserve the right to collect data, store cookies, and more outlined by the AdSense Privacy Policy.
Additional analytics are by Google Analytics, and they reserve the right to collect data, store cookies, and more outlined by the Google Analytics Privacy Policy.
For any questions about these terms, please email toldyouso@queue.bot.